

Keep following your passion and accomplishing your goals while preventing the constant joint or muscle pain from getting in the way, with the relief that Pure Ratios Award-Winning CBD Patches provide. They are easy to apply, and one patch will give you the healing benefits you deserve for up to four days. The high-quality and all-natural 1:1 CBD:THC Patch is an excellent option for people who want to experience the therapeutic effects cannabis delivers without ingesting capsules, edibles, vaping, or smoking.


Our products deliver outstanding healing results.

  • High Potency
    Our unique Patent-pending Reservoir will help you get pain relief for 3-4 days (up to 96 hours). No need to put on a new patch multiple times a day.
  • Goes Deep
    The topical delivery of CBD bypasses the digestive process for undiluted absorption of cannabinoids directly into the bloodstream. You get fast-acting effects with constant long-term relief.
  • Set It & Forget It
    Our water-proof adhesive stays put to allow prolonged adhesion to the skin surface. You can just set it and forget it for up to 96 hours.
  • Natural
    Naturally pure, additive free, and hypoallergenic.
  • Extra Benefits
    Packed with natural ingredients to give you extra health benefits: virgin avocado oil, extra virgin coconut oil, virgin sweet almond oil, aloe, and shea olein.
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